colonial life

Life in 5th grade

Life is going good so far. It’s fun not to hard yet. I can’t wait for field day. I like going to the gym. I like math and reading. And I like lunch and going outside. I like the tech lab too. I like science the most. I to be in the science lab. It makes me feel more smarter than I am. A that’s how my 5th grade is going. And it’s all for a good cost.

Texas Bluebonnet

Its scientific classifcation is Fabaceae,and its scientific name is Lupinus Texnsis. It grows all over Texas. It’s the state flower,and it prefers a hill. The blooming period is march-may. The height is 1-2 feet, and its suggested use is raised flower beds, half barrels, hanging baskets. sixty percent planting success, average seeds per pound is twelve thousond five hundred.

Get To Know Mrs.Terry’s Class

2D Design

5 hexogons

5 sqrairs

5 triagels

3 rombis

12 trapzods

it is a house with a airplane


Personal Narrative

Do you like waterparks well do you? We went to west virginia for my birthday and we went to a waterpark with inflatables in the water. One was called the blob. One prson would get on the front and another prson would jump on the back and the front prson would fly up into the air. I was the one to fly up in the air.I felt like a bird. My mom,my sister, my other sister,and my bff were to scared to do it. My older sister’s boyfirend is the one that made me fly up in the air. Then we went back to my sister’s house and a few days later we went to we went to a camp called camp fram and all of my family goes to the camp and we are there for a week and at the end of the week we have a BIG kickball game and I get to be kicker my mom is a good kicker that is all that happend that week and it all happend with my mom.



S-step away

T-tell an adult

O-okay sites first

P-pause and think online





Super citizen is his name.

His super power is he stops Copyright.Screen Shot 2016-08-29 at 11.48.28 AM

ad slogans

just do it

drive evil crazy

this is how you sonic

we have the meats

i’m lovin it

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